Keeping Up Appearances
-British sitcom written by Roy Clark for BBC
-Centered on the life of an eccentric, social thinking snob Hyacinth Bucket(who insists on her name being pronounced Boquet), the show portrays a social hierarchy-ruled British life
-It jokes around with a small obsessive world where a determined snobbish middle class woman desparately looks for opportunities to put herself into a better position on the social ladder.
-The show hinges on the fact that no one can escape the social class one is born into in England
-Stars Patricia Routledge as Hyacinth, the pompous and self centered woman obsessed by perfection
-Her husband is Richard Bucket, a calm, tolerant and long suffering man played by Clive Swift
-Her neighbour is played by Josephine Tewson. She plays the neighbor who lives with Hyacnith's brother, played by David Griffin.
Plot Summary
-Hyacinth Bucket(Patricia Routledge), who insists on her name being pronounced Boquet, is a snob with aspirations of climbing the social ladder. She passes her time visiting stately homes, hosting "executive style" candlelight dinners, bragging off her white slimline phone with auto redial and maintaining her woodblock floor, wallpaper and status in the community.
-Her aim in life is to impress neighbors, friends and important people. When she answers the phone, she greets with "The Boquet residence, lady of the house speaking". She receives calls asking for Chinese take away, causing her great frustration. Always bothering her best efforts are her underclass sisters Daisy(Judy Cornwell) and Rose(Shirley Stelfox and Mary Millar), and Daisy's husband Onslow(Geoffrey Hughes). This 3-som along with Hyacinth's senile dad, are always turning up and embarassing her.
-These social aspirations of hers cause life to be very difficult for those around her, such as her husband Richard(Clive Swift). Most people dislike or are afraid of her to the point of running or hiding when they see her or hear her. The only one she is not ashamed of is her wealthy sister Violet(Anna Dawson). Hyacinth often brags about her sister Violet's home- a luxury bungalow, while trying to keep the secret of Violet's cross dresing husband Bruce a secret.