Songs for Everything and Every Mood

I noticed that sometimes, certain songs are listened to while in certain moods. This post is about songs I listen to when angry, happy, etc. Or songs I would use at a wedding, funeral, etc.

Anybody Seen My Baby-The Rolling Stones

Out of Control- The Rolling Stones
Rolling in the Deep-Adele

Gimme Shelter- The Rolling Stones

Brown Sugar- The Rolling Stones

You Got Me Rocking- The Rolling Stones

Miss You- The Rolling Stones

Love Is Strong- The Rolling Stones

It's Only Rock and Roll- The Rolling Stones

I Like It- Enrique Iglesias
When I'm prone to laugh and giggle at everything, which for me is pretty much every second of the day. Anything can set me into laughs.

Start Me Up-The Rolling Stones

She's So Cold-The Rolling Stones

Time Waits for No One- The Rolling Stones

Who's Crying Now-Journey

Kiss from a Rose- Seal

After All These Years- Journey

Bailamos- Enrique Iglesias

Could I Have This Kiss Forever?- Enrique Iglesias

Dr. Feelgood- Motley Crue

Calm, Relaxed, Peaceful

She Wolf- Shakira

Hips Don't Lie- Shakira

Your Song-Elton John

Live and Let Die- Paul McCartney